Monday, July 20, 2009

24 Hours Away

In about 40 minutes, we will be 24 hours away from the day that is going to change social networking forever. One day away. Some of you may have grown tired of hearing me say that, but the fact of the matter is, I have a peace about everything I am doing. Those around me have the same peace and all of us are encountering people who see the opportunity at hand and can make a sound, reasonable business decision AND act. The investment is finite, it is certain. The potential profit margin is uncertain, but it is HUGE. You would not believe me if I told you, so I won't. Of course there is risk. Plain cut and dry risk. But who of us does not take risks? There have been times in my life where I have gone up and down the same amount of money I am investing here in one night in a casino. Now, I do not live that way anymore...and for good reason...I was acting on impulse then..this decision was made after prayer and counsel from others. I have given this decision and opportunity to God. I ask you to go through the same process and not simply cast off what I am saying as just another multi level marketing mix up, a scam or a gimmick. It is none of the above. It is powerful. It is unique. And it works.

Information Session tomorrow night at my father's house at 730. We will have refreshments and the product for you to sample. We will cover your cost, your risk and the potential of this thing. I do not think you will be disappointed. PLEASE EMAIL ME FOR DIRECTIONS AT TREY.SHENEMAN@COMMUNITYCHRISTIANSCHOOL.NET

We are now 24 hours and 30 minutes away.

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